林宗男教授的個人資料 - Profile of Tsungnan Lin

林宗男 Tsungnan Lin

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 教授
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Deep Learning, Machine Learning, CyberSecurity, Data Science, Blockchain Technology





  1. 以人工智慧與資料科學為導向之智慧資安分析、防禦與鑑識技術。
  2. Software Defined Network

  3. 個資法與大數據計畫:社會需求、公共利益與個人資料保護

Research Summary:

The major research focus of Professor Tsung-Nan Lin’s research team is in the technical developments related to network communication, distributed multimedia systems, and video/image processing.  The projects under active investigations at the time of writing include: (1) An advanced image processing chain for mobile terminal (NSC); (2) Wireless Multimedia Computing - The Cross-Layer Optimization Perspective (Ministry of Education). (3) Advanced technology of overlay networks for next generation service convergence networks (NSC); (4) Technology for Streaming Digital Content over P2P Platform (NSC); and (5) The application of Wireless Networking over vehicle communication (YunLong Corp.) (6) Techniques of Color Correction over Multimedia Networking (Primax Corp.).

Photo of Tsungnan Lin