王凡教授的個人資料 - Profile of Farn Wang

王凡 Farn Wang

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 教授
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
★副編輯(Associate Editorship):
  ◆International Journal of Formal Methods in System Design, Springer-Verlag.
   (SCI extended)
★客座編輯(Guest Editorships):
  ◆IJFCS (International Jounral of Foundations on Computer Science)
   Verification and Analysis of Infinite-state Systems特刊,
   Vol. 14, Nr.4, August, 2003, World Scientific Publishing Co. (SCI extended)
  ◆IJFCS, ATVA 2003/2004 特刊, (SCI extended), to appear.
★指導委員(Steering Committee Memberships in International Conferences):
  ◆ATVA (International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification
   and Analysis)
★議程委員會主席(Program Committee Chairmanships in International Conferences):
  ◆IFIP FORTE (International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked
   and Distributed Systems) 2005
  ◆ATVA 2004
★議程委員會共同主席(Program Committee Cochairmanships in International Conferences):
  ◆ATVA 2003
  ◆RTC (International Workshop on Real-Time Constraints) 1999
  ◆RTCSA (International Conference on Real-Time Computing System and Applications)
★國際會議特邀演講講員(Invited Speeches in International Conferences and Workshops):
  ◆AVIS (Automated Verification of Infinite Systems) 2003, Warsaw, Poland
  ◆1st IWTS (International Workshop on Specification and Verification
   of Timed Systems) 1999, Kyoto, Japan.
  ◆IEEE HASE (High-Assurance Software Engineering) 98.
★國際會議短期課程講員(Tutorials in International Conferences and Workshops):
  ◆ICFEM (International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods) 2005
  ◆FORTE 2004
  ◆ATVA 2003



Major Research Areas:

Verification Automation, Software Testing



1. 嵌入式軟體自動驗證技術:利用演算法,自動分析系統設計的數學模型,找出設計錯誤。這方面著名的應用,有違軟的SLAM計畫。王教授的實驗室在嵌入式系統模型檢驗的自動演算法與工具方面,目前效能已經擊敗瑞典、法國、與美國的類似工具。

2. 軟體測試技術:「測試」是目前用來保證軟體品質的最常見手段。面對商業軟體動輒上百萬行的規模,其挑戰在於如何運用系統化的分析,方法化的研究,去自動產生test plan,達到高涵蓋率,並進而降低系統測試的成本與時間。


Research Summary:

 Prof. Wang's is now interested at helping the industry to reduce the cost of verification (or debugging), which has sky-rocketed up to more than 50% of the total development budget.  His research mainly are focused on two techniques.  

1. Automating human verification experiences to develop verification tools with high abstractness and efficiency.   Such tools have been shown effective in MS SLAM project to reduce the bugs of Windows drivers and the quality control in Intel CPU designs. 

2. Automatic test plan generation for embedded software.  In most companies, testing is still the major technique used to control the quality of software systems.  Our focus is to use automated technology to analyze system spec. and generate quality test plans that can check out bugs systematically and methodically. 

He is now executing the following projects. 

  1. NAS Server Functional Testing and Verification, Quanta Computers Inc. (廣達電腦), 2005/10/1-2006/9/30, NT$1,570,000.00

  2. Research on the Automation and Visualization Technology of Testcases for Software Systems, III (資策會), 2006/1/1-2006/12/31, NT$900,000. 

  3. A New Theory for Program Execution Time Analysis, NSC (國科會), 2005/8/1-2008/7/31, 3*NT$773,000.00. 

  4. An Integrated Framework for the Formal Development of Complex Embedded Systems, NSC (國科會), 2005/8/1-2008/7/31, 3*NT$483,000.00.

  5. Formal Method Course Planning, Software Engineering Consortium, Ministry of Education(教育部), 2004/3/1-2006/12/31, 2*NT$450,000.00. 

  6. Intel Multi-Core Course Planning, Intel, 2006/4/1-2007/3/31, USD$20,000.  (with Prof. S.-Y. Kuo, C.-L. Lei, H.-C. Yen)

Photo of Farn Wang