楊志忠特聘教授的個人資料 - Profile of Chih-Chung (C. C.) Yang

楊志忠 Chih-Chung (C. C.) Yang

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 特聘教授
國立台灣大學光電工程學研究所 特聘教授
Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Display and Lighting Technologies, Nano-photonics, Light-emitting Diode Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Biomedical Photonics and Surface plasmonics



1. 以有機金屬氣相沉積方法生長氮化鎵相關化合物

(1) 生長氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵量子井發光二極體晶體結構

(2) 生長規則排列氮化鎵奈米柱陣列供發光二極體及場發射應用

(3) 生長氮極化之氮化鎵材料

(4) 於矽基板上生長氮化物

2. 以分子束磊晶方法生長氧化鋅及氮化鎵相關化合物

(1) 於p-型氮化鎵生長氧化鎘鋅/氧化鋅量子井發光二極體晶體結構

(2) 生長氧化鎵鋅透明導電體

(3) 於可撓氮化鎵樣板上生長氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵量子井發光二極體晶體結構

3. 新型發光二極體設計與製作

(1) 規則排列氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵量子井核殼奈米柱發光二極體陣列

(2) 矽基板上的發光二極體

(3) 表面電漿子耦合發光二極體

(4) 表面光柵發光二極體

(5) 光輔助電化學剝離藍寶石基板

(6) 垂直型發光二極體

(7) 可撓式氮化物發光二極體

(8) 氮化鎵/氧化鋅交流電發光二極體

4. 材料特性分析及光學特性量測

(1) 以穿透式電子顯微術研究氮化鎵與氧化鋅奈米結構

(2) 以拉曼光譜學技術研究氮化鎵與氧化鋅奈米結構

(3) 以溫變光致發螢光光譜學技術研究氮化鎵與氧化鋅奈米結構

(4) 以時域光致發螢光光譜學技術研究氮化鎵與氧化鋅奈米結構



1. 光學同調斷層掃瞄

(1) 光學都卜勒斷層掃瞄

(2) 光熱光學同調斷層掃瞄

(3) 表面電漿子光學同調斷層掃瞄

(4) 光學同調斷層掃瞄的細胞標示應用

(5) 光學同調斷層掃瞄的口腔癌前病變及口腔癌診斷應用

2. 奈米生物技術

(1) 生物耦聯金奈米環的癌細胞標示

(2) 生物耦聯金奈米環的癌細胞滅活

(3) 生物耦聯金奈米環的癌細胞吞噬

(4) 應用生物耦聯金奈米環於具有異種轉植人類口腔癌腫瘤裸鼠的光熱療法



1. 表面電漿子與發光體/吸收體耦合的理論數值模擬研究

(1) 以表面電漿子耦合來提昇發光效率

(2) 以表面電漿子耦合來提昇取光效率

(3) 表面電漿極化子與發光體之耦合行為

(4) 以表面電漿子耦合來提昇太陽能電池的吸收效率

2. 表面電漿子耦合發光二極體

(1) 製作表面金屬奈米顆粒來產生藍綠光頻段的侷域表面電漿子共振

(2) 製作表面電漿子耦合垂直型發光二極體

(3) 利用表面電漿子耦合來降低發光二極體之效率滑落效應

(4) 探討表面電漿子耦合發光二極體的同調放光特性

3. 生物耦聯金奈米環的侷域表面電漿子行為

(1) 製作各種幾何條件之生物耦聯金奈米環使其侷域表面電漿子共振波長落於1000-1300奈米範圍以便讓使用光線透入生物組織更深

(2) 應用生物耦聯金奈米環於光學同調斷層掃瞄造影

(3) 應用生物耦聯金奈米環於癌腫瘤的光熱療法

Research Summary:

Research Area I: GaN and ZnO semiconductors

1. Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of GaN related compounds

(1) Growth of InGaN/GaN quantum-well light-emitting diode (LED) epitaxial structure

(2) Growth of regularly patterned GaN nanorod arrays for LED and field emission applications

(3) Growth of N-polar GaN

(4) Growth of nitrides on Si substrate

2. Molecular beam epitaxy of ZnO and GaN related compounds

(1) Growth of CdZnO/ZnO quantum-well LED epitaxial structure on p-GaN

(2) Growth of GaZnO as transparent conductor

(3) Growth of InGaN/GaN quantum-well LED epitaxial structures on flexible GaN template

3. Novel LED design and fabrication

(1) Regularly patterned InGaN/GaN quantum-well core/shell nanorod LED array

(2) LED on Si substrate

(3) Surface plasmon coupled LED

(4) Surface-grating LED

(5) Photoelectrochemical liftoff of sapphire substrate

(6) Vertical LED

(7) Flexible nitride LED

(8) GaN/ZnO hybrid ac LED

4. Material analysis and optical characterization

(1) Transmission electron microscopy study of GaN and ZnO nanostructures

(2) Raman spectroscopy study of GaN and ZnO nanostructures

(3) Temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy for the study of GaN and ZnO nanostructures

(4) Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy for the study of GaN and ZnO nanostructures


Research Area II: Biomedical photonics

1. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

(1) Optical Doppler tomography

(2) Photothermal OCT

(3) Surface plasmon OCT

(4) Application of OCT to cell labeling

(5) Application of OCT to oral precancer and cancer diagnoses

2. Nano Biotechnology

(1) Cancer cell labeling with bio-conjugated Au nanoring

(2) Cancer cell inactivation with bio-conjugated Au nanoring

(3) Cancer cell uptake of bio-conjugated Au nanoring

(4) Photothermal therapy of xenografted human oral cancer tumor on nude mouse with bio-conjugated Au nanoring


Research Area III: Surface plasmonics

1. Theoretical/numerical study of surface plasmon coupling with light emitter/absorber

(1) Surface plasmon coupling induced emission efficiency enhancement

(2) Surface plasmon coupling induced light extraction enhancement

(3) Coupling behavior of a light emitter with surface plasmon polariton

(4) Surface plasmon coupling induced sunlight absorption enhancement in solar cell

2. Surface plasmon coupled LED

(1) Fabrication of surface metal nanoparticles for inducing localized surface plasmon resonance in the blue-green range

(2) Fabrication of surface plasmon coupled vertical LED

(3) Using surface plasmon coupling for reducing the efficiency droop effect of LED

(4) Investigation of the coherent emission of a surface plasmon coupled LED

3. Localized surface plasmon behavior of bio-conjugated Au nanoring

(1) Fabrication of bio-conjugated Au nanorings of various geometries for inducing localized surface plasmon resonance in the spectral range of 1000-1300 nm for deeper tissue penetration

(2) Application of bio-conjugated Au nanoring to OCT imaging

(3) Application of bio-conjugated Au nanoring to photothermal therapy of cancer tumor

Photo of Chih-Chung (C. C.) Yang