曾雪峰教授的個人資料 - Profile of Snow H. Tseng

曾雪峰 Snow H. Tseng

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 教授
領導學程 主任
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Director, NTU Leadership Program



Major Research Areas:

Rigorously Solving Maxwell's Equations for the Problem of Light Scattering by Macroscopic Biological Random Media


由於問題極度複雜、牽涉到大量的變數,傳統上研究巨觀隨機介質的光學性質常用近似解(例如: Diffusion Approximation, Monte Carlo method, etc.) ,然而此種近似解的精確度和可信度有待商榷。如今應用新的演算法(Pseudospectral time-domain method),使用電腦平行計算的技術,如今這個問題已經可以由數值方法解Maxwell’s equations 而得到精確解。







Research Summary:

 My research is focused on computer simulations to study the phenomena of light scattering by macroscopic random media. Conventional approach mostly uses diffusion approximation, Monte Carlo simulation, etc., since such problems are extremely complex to solve.  By using a new algorithm, the pseudo-spectral time-domain method, combined with parallel computing technology, this problem can be accurately studied by solving Maxwell's equations now.

 In particular, I am most interested in bio-optics research. Currently my research is focused on understanding the optical characteristics of macroscopic random media, the next step would be to investigate optical properties of biological media, based on Maxwell's equations. In summary, my current research interest is: By numerically solving Maxwell's equations, to obtain microscopic geometrical information from macroscopic scattered light from (biological) random media.

Photo of Snow H. Tseng