A. 光聲分子影像:光聲效應是利用物體對短脈衝光的吸收及對應的熱膨脹現象,進而產生聲波的特殊效應,利用此光聲效應,可以發揮光學的高對比之吸收光譜特性,結合聲波弱散射與高穿透的優勢,進行影像並探索各種尺度下細胞與組織的結構以及功能。此外,光聲影像亦可結合適當的分子探針,進行分子影像。
B. 光聲藥物輸送:結合光熱特性與聲學的穴蝕效應發展新的藥物輸送技術,特別是利用奈米液滴及微氣泡作為載體,使用雷射與超音波產生液滴汽化與氣泡穴蝕效應,提升聲穿孔效應之綜效,在細胞實驗與動物活體實驗皆可大幅提升藥物輸送的效果。
C. 光聲細胞微環境彈性測量:結合光學偵測與聲輻射力效應來進行三維細胞培養系統之剪切波彈性量測,成為研究生物力學的有效工具。此技術主要是用以探討細胞在三維環境下,細胞微環境之力學特性對於細胞行為與藥物治療的影響。
My research interests focus on biomedical applications of the combination of light and sound, emphasizing the underlying physics and signal processing algorithms. The ultimate goal is to solve clinical problems with innovative technologies. The current research topics include:
Photoacoustic molecular imaging: The photoacoustic effects are generated by the optical absorption of short-duration light pulses and the concomitant thermal expansion. Based on these effects, anatomical and functional imaging can be performed at multiple scales by exploiting the benefits of high optical contrast and weak acoustic scattering. With proper molecular probes, photoacoustic molecular imaging can also be performed.
Drug delivery with light and sound: Novel targeted delivery technologies are being developed by leveraging cavitation-based sonoporation with optical and acoustic energies. The synergistic sonoporation effects demonstrated that the delivery efficiency could be significantly enhanced both in vitro and in vivo. The technique has been applied to both photothermal therapy and radiosensitization for radiation cancer therapy.
Shear wave elasticity imaging with light and sound: The acoustic radiation force is combined with optical detection of shear wave propagation to measure the stiffness of 3D cell culture systems, overcoming a critical challenge in this field. In other words, the acoustic radiation force is used to generate shear waves in the sample, and laser speckle contrast imaging is performed to measure the speed of the propagating shear waves noninvasively. We can explore important issues such as cell movement and microenvironment interaction with this.