陳志宏特聘教授的個人資料 - Profile of Jyh-Horng Chen

陳志宏 Jyh-Horng Chen

國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 特聘教授
Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Magnetic Resonance Image, Functional MRI, Molecular imaging, Man Machine interface, Medical Engineering

Research Summary:

The purpose of the component project is to break through the present speed limitation of magnetic resonance. In the past four years, we have successfully developed the fast parallel MRI techniques on Bruker Biospec 3T system.  Based on the optimization of phased array, in combination with multi-slice excitation, we have improved the temporal resolution to the 6 to 8 folds of the conventional MRI acquisition. This sub-project will further propose a brand new MR imaging method based on broadband signal acquisition and multiple-carrier modulation technique in modern wireless communication system. With multiple transmitters and receivers capability, results of this subproject will have a direct impact on physiological dynamic imaging, to study biochemical mechanisms for brain functions, metabolism studies, aging process and many other quantitative parametric imaging simultaneously to identify the loci more accurately. To image high quality animal microscopy images, especially mouse for genetic disease models, the feature of multi-channel of phased array coil will achieve much better throughput and offer higher feasibility for genome research in the near future.

Photo of Jyh-Horng Chen