謝宏昀教授的個人資料 - Profile of Hung-Yun Hsieh

謝宏昀 Hung-Yun Hsieh

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 教授
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Metaverse, ISAC, LEO satellite communication systems, IoT, network science and cybersecurity



  1. 元宇宙 (無線人體感測與 3D VR 串流),
  2. 整合感測與通訊技術 (定位、追蹤、活動識別與成像),
  3. 低軌衛星與次世代行動通信系統 (媒體接取控制層技術),
  4. 物聯網 (通信技術與網路應用),
  5. 網路科學 (資料分析與網路安全)。

Research Summary:

Prof. Hsieh's research interests are in the general areas of wireless communications and mobile computing. His current research projects include: 

  1. metaverse,
    with focus on wireless human sensing and panoramic/volumetric video streaming;
  2. integrated sensing and communications (ISAC),
    with focus on localization, tracking, and RF imaging;
  3. next-generation communication systems,
    with focus on LEO satellite communications and 3GPP Layer-2 mechanisms; 
  4. IoT,
    with focus on machine-type communications (MTC) and V2X technoogies;
  5. network science,
    with focus on data analytics, privacy, and network security.
Photo of Hung-Yun Hsieh