李紋霞兼任副教授的個人資料 - Profile of Jennifer Wen-Shya Lee

李紋霞 Jennifer Wen-Shya Lee

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 兼任副教授
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Outcome-Based Education, Innovative Course Development & Evaluation, Scholarship of Teaching & Learning


Research Summary:

Co-creation Mechanism Design and Examination for the Cornerstone Course of EECS Design and Implementation 電資工程入門設計實作礎石課程的共創機制設計與檢驗

Examining and enhancing the teaching effectiveness and learning outcomes of the two NTUCC innovative courses : 

Senior course: Creative Cornerstone Course Design for ICT and Engineering Education  創意電資工程入門教育設計課程、First-year course: Cornerstone EECS Design and Implementation 電資工程入門設計與實作課程

成果導向教育推廣 Outcome-Based Education promotion

Introducing and promoting the concept of curriculum mapping, core competence assessment, and capstone program innovation at the university, college, department, and course levels

Photo of  Jennifer Wen-Shya  Lee